Skills-based hiring is the new trend picking up fast these days and is becoming the most preferred method. Hiring the right skilled person to do the job is desirable by all organizations.
It is one of the most effective ways, as getting skilled people to do the job is like a boon for the organization, such hires can immediately be productive thus making less or no regrets for later.
Skills-based hiring involves candidates being evaluated based on the specific skills required to do the job rather than their years of experience or educational qualifications.
To hire someone for skills, the screening is a little different as it is done using tools that include an assessment of skills and then direct interviews. This helps the organizations to make more accurate and bias-free decisions among all the candidates.
Skills can be categorized as hard skills and soft skills
Hard skills are specific to the job and can be learned through training and workshops. Soft skills are the combination of social skills, communication skills, and personality traits.
Various tools are available in the market to assess specific skills about the job role requirements.
Larger Organizations are looking for candidates with specific skills to handle different verticals of their business.
Smaller organizations still focus on hiring candidates who can manage multiple tasks and sometimes do not require proficiency in specific skills.
However, as the organization grows, the need to have individuals with specific skills becomes the need of the hour. Â It increases the overall efficiency and output, ensuring the quality of the work.
Skilled employees act as an important resource, apart from ensuring the timely output, it can help to build the capacity of internal staff without any external resource. It helps the organization to become a resource organization.
Skilled individuals are becoming a critical resource for the organization. Different verticals like communication, Sales, HR, Marketing, Processing, Procurement, and so on, each function requires dealing with people, clients, and customers which requires specific skills to develop one pitch, which needs to communicate as per understanding/need of the clients, needs skills to understand clients/ customers feedback, capture the same and come back again incorporating the feedback and reworking as per the satisfaction of clients.
For any organization it’s important to win the trust of its clients and customers, no one in this competitive world is ready to take the risk of losing a deal or client. Hence organizations are keen to get the right resources with specific skills and they are ready to even pay higher for the same.
Can AI Replace Skills?
AI can replace the requirement of hard-core skilled individuals but the need for soft skills which is acquired with experience. The experience, that one gains by dealing with people, with clients, leadership skills, managing people, inspiring others, and building the capacity of others, these are now becoming the core skills that recruiters are looking for.
AI cannot replicate qualities like strong listening skills, the ability to empower, caring, and being kind and these are some of the expected behaviors from people to become effective team workers.
Future belongs to people who acquire the soft skills in depth
It would be wise to constantly upgrade oneself with the future required skills to be employable and to get more opportunities in the job market.
Amidst all these skills-based hiring strategies, still, one big concern that may arise is regarding the freshers as they only have degrees as educational qualifications and as they get placement opportunities directly from college, so their academic scores and degrees form the basis of placement criteria of various organizations.
In our organization, SRIJAN, we prefer hiring freshers directly from campuses, and through our rigorous training and capacity-building program, we train them for roles, nurture their skills, and build their capacity to perform roles. We only check basic intelligence and the right attitude to the job.
We believe in grooming them to take up future leadership roles, getting them fresh give them and us an opportunity to build their traits to be an ideal leadership role model fitted to the organizational culture.
All in All, the recruitment market will be shifting towards skills-based hiring as it reduces the cost of recruitment, provides skilled persons, with better fitment for the role, and thus enhances more efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.