Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) is targeting incubating at least 100 start-ups across various sectors next year, in 2024.
The IIT Madras Incubation Cell (IITMIC) is the institute’s umbrella body for nurturing, supporting, and overseeing various innovation and entrepreneurship projects.
Prof. V. Kamakoti, Director, IIT Madras, said, “In the past year, we took up several important projects including IITM Zanzibar Campus, which became the first-ever IIT to be established overseas, launched a Department of Medical Sciences and Technology, and are aspiring to do many more things in this direction.”
“We also want to close this financial year with the maximum amount of projects”, Prof. V. Kamakoti added.
Prof. V. Kamakoti said, “For 2024, we have a lot more exciting initiatives and socially relevant projects that would greatly benefit the nation. We are looking at closing this financial year (31st March 2024) with 366 patents.”
“We will try our best to see one patent a day. It is a matter of great pride at IIT Madras that we do a lot more innovation. We are also looking at starting 100 start-ups in 2024“, Prof. V. Kamakoti said.
Prof. V. Kamakoti further said, “We are also seeing a lot of interesting technologies coming up through Hyperloop start-ups, ePlane, Agnikul Cosmos, and Mindgrove Technologies, all of which are IIT Madras-incubated start-ups. These start-ups will deliver products, which will be of great national importance.”
Further, Prof. V. Kamakoti said, “We are also working very hard towards maintaining the #1 ranking in NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework). Hopefully, we are also looking to move to higher rankings in World Rankings as well. We want to start a couple of new courses in IITM Zanzibar.”
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