33% of Infosys Workforce to Work From Home permanently only 66% to come to the office
According to a report published in Trak.in, Richard Lobo, Executive Vice President, Head HR, Infosys said in a media interaction that in the long term, around 80,000 Infosys employees will never come to the office, they want 33% of the employees to work from home permanently, and only 66% to come to the office.
As things get normal, 50% will come to the office, and 50% will work from home. But gradually, more employees will be asked to come to the office, and in the long term, 66% will be asked to come to the office.
As said above, 66% will be in the office but 33% will work permanently from home. It means around 80,000 of its total 2,42,371 workforces globally to be working from home permanently.
Lobo added, “a large proportion of our people will continue to work from home or work remotely. Though, it will not always be the same set of people. I don’t see any shift in that because people have now become used to it across the world.”
Though he didn’t reveal the timeline by when it is likely to happen. “We don’t have a timeline to share because it depends largely on how the disease goes and I can’t predict that path,” he said.
Currently, only 5% of Infosys employees are working from office, while the rest 95% are working from their homes.
Companies allowed work from home earlier also. But, COVID-19 accelerated the trend. It also broke several mental barriers that it will reduce work productivity or efficiency of employees. “COVID has shown every industry can do it. Fortunately, we are in one of those industries that can support large amounts of population to work from home,” said Lobo in a media conference.