The AI is making heads turn and pop questions in everyone’s mind, making everyone reevaluate if their jobs can be redundant and HR is no exception to this journey.
I feel nothing but delighted that HR function would get the technology uplift and enhanced investments to stay relevant with their practices for the right employee experience. It is for every function in the organization it would be a critical strategic goal to reskill and adapt.
We would need to look at this from 2 perspectives the HR and the employee.
The L&D function would need to align on getting stronger about technology adaption. Tracking employee skills and competency information in depth would be the key to enabling AI.
It’s like structuring your data in depth about current skills, competencies, and key job skills for every role, and mapping of employee aspirations on career & learning. That would be the base for generative AI to enable various customized learning paths.
Structure Learning
Generative AI could be used to deliver structured training programs that are aligned with the goals of the business function. These could be tailored to the current skill proficiency level of the individual.
Given that business, functions are forming a team of varied experience levels starting from freshers to experts, while the learning goals can be common across the team, but the content can be customized to project the learning content to suit the current expertise level of learner. Making this quick and relevant for individuals to take up structured learning programs and stay compliant to learning goals.
Recommend for certifications and upcoming trainings – In the technical learning space, a lot of learners aspire to take up certain certifications that would add value to their skills. Also, in some cases, it’s key for the business to have certain certifications in their team as business goals and learning strategies.
AI could help map recommendations to the relevant employees about what would be the relevant certifications that could add value to their skill level and pop-up information about the certifications for them to enroll and learn.
Micro Learnings
Integration for industry updates to your skills, and learning goals. Updates about what’s new in your skill areas, and industry updates that are relevant to your career will not just keep one updated but contribute to micro-learnings that can build value over a cumulative period.
From the employee perspective, let’s visualize a scenario for John Doe who is working in product management for an IT company. The AI could keep a check-in on John as a mentor on the learning front, nudging them about industry insights, upcoming courses, and pending learning goals.
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Also, there is a wide range of how AI could be used, create simulation exercises, pull up relevant case studies, regular skill/ technical assessments to challenge their knowledge proficiency, pop-up quiz-based learning, etc. The interactive can go deeper as the data about the individual’s learning preferences and goals get learned by AI.
ChatGPTedu features coming up is the beginning of how learning now becomes more accessible and takes it to the next step of assisted learning, assignments, etc.
The shift for L&D professionals would be in 2 folds. One is for them to upskill on understanding how AI works, provide functional guidance, and with technical resources work on building the AI learning path for your organization.
Have a vision of what the end outcomes of the learnings would need to be, the learning goals, content curation strategy, quiz, assignments, integration with technical labs, and a wide range of knowledge sources that would need to be integrated for the learning journey.
The second is to understand that AI is a weapon, the outcome depends on how you use it. We need to facilitate our employees on not just understanding and learning AI but how to use it effectively.
Mentors who are experts in using AI (it could also be reverse mentoring as relevant) in every function to support people around them on using AI in their daily work, how it’s used, and getting effective with the outcomes from it.
Building some used cases, and mock assignments could help the learning journey. A well-designed AI-enabled L&D function could ensure transformative outcomes for employees.
This also paves the way for us to work with risk& compliance on designing the governance and compliance model and educating about it across the organization. While organization can benefit from it, to use it responsibility is the key. It’s a weapon so we better use it right.
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